Wednesday, 2 January 2013

heliograph=الهليوغراف تلسكوب لتصوير الشمس

heliograph=الهليوغراف تلسكوب لتصوير الشمس


heliograph (n.)
product of a certain type of engraving process, 1853, from helio- + graph. Earlier, "a description of the sun" (1706, implied in heliographic). Heliography (1845 in the engraving sense) also (1840) was an early term for what came to be called photography.
word-forming element meaning "sun," from Gk. helio-, comb. form of helios "sun" (see sol).
graph (n.)
1878, shortening of graphic formula (see graphic). The verb meaning "charted on a graph" is from 1889. Related: Graphed; graphing.
graphic (adj.)
"vivid," 1570s (implied in graphically), from L. graphicus "picturesque," from Gk. graphikos "of or for writing, belonging to drawing, picturesque," from graphe "writing, drawing," from graphein "to write" (see -graphy). Meaning "of or pertaining to drawing" is from 1756. Related: Graphically. Graphic design is attested by 1956. Graphic equalizer is from 1969.

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