Thursday, 15 November 2012


phantom=فانتوم (trademark)


phantom (n.)
c.1300, fantum "illusion, unreality," from O.Fr. fantosme (12c.), from V.L. *fantauma, from L. phantasma "an apparition" (see phantasm). The ph- was restored in English late 16c. (see ph). Meaning "specter, spirit, ghost" is attested from late 14c.; that of "something having the form, but not the substance, of a real thing" is from 1707. As an adjective from early 15c.
phantasm (n.)
early 13c., fantesme, from O.Fr. fantosme "a dream, illusion, fantasy; apparition, ghost, phantom" (12c.), and directly from L. phantasma "an apparition, specter," from Gk. phantasma "image, phantom, apparition; mere image, unreality," from phantazein "to make visible, display," from stem of phainein "to bring to light, make appear; come to light, be seen, appear; explain, expound, inform against; appear to be so," from PIE root *bha- (1) "to shine" (cf. Skt. bhati "shines, glitters," O.Ir. ban "white, light, ray of light"). Spelling conformed to Latin from 16c. (see ph). A spelling variant of phantom, "differentiated, but so that the differences are elusive" [Fowler].

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