Monday, 27 August 2012

الأمونيا ammonia

Etymology of Arabic words: the word الأمونيا
(amonia) means ammonia and has greek roots as the french techical term was formed (in 1872) on the basis of the greek word αμμωνιακόν(belonging to Ammon) κομι(gum), a substance which was named so, because it came/originated in the antiquity from the ancient Lybia desert, Oasis Siwa and especially from the area Αμμωνία, where was situated the temple of Jupiter the Ammon (Αμμωνος Διος).In Turkish is amonyak.

An excerpt from the touristic guide 
"""Greek settlers at Cyrene made contact with the oasis around the same time (7th century BC), and the oracle temple of Ammon (Zeus Ammon) was already famous during the time of Herodotus.[4] Prior to his campaign of conquest in Persia Alexander the Great reached the oasis, supposedly by following birds across the desert. The oracle is said to have confirmed him as both a divine personage and the legitimate Pharaoh of Egypt."""

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