Monday 6 May 2013



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland



[L Gorgon-, Gorgo, fr. Gk Gorgon, any of three snake-haired sisters in Greek mythology whose appearance turns men to stone] : an ugly or repulsive woman



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland



Ganymedes, fr. Gk Ganymedes Ganymede, a beautiful youth carried off to Olympus to be the cupbearer of the gods in classical mythology] 1 : the largest of Jupiter's moons 2 : a young waiter who serves liquors



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland


 L, fr. Gk Elektra, a sister of Orestes who aids him in killing their mother Clytemnestra



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland


  the site of the oracle of Apollo



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland


      [NL, genus name, fr. L laurel, fr. Gk Daphne, a nymph who is transformed into a laurel tree to escape the pursuing Apollo] 1 : any of a genus (Daphne) of Eurasian shrubs of the mezereon family with apetaelous flowers whose colored calyx resembles a corolla 2 : a girl's given name




An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland



      [L daedalus, fr. Gk Daidalos, legendary builder of Cretan labyrinth who makes wings to enable himself and his son Icarus to escape from imprisonment] 1 a : skillful, artistic b : intricate 2 : adorned with many things




An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland



[L, Cynthius, epithet of Artemis, fr. fem. of Cynthius of Cynthus, fr. Cynthus, mountain on Delos where Artemis was born, fr. Gk Kynthos] 1 : moon 2 : a girl's given name




An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland



[Gk Clio, Greek Muse of history] : a girl's given name



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland



[L Cimmerii, a mythical people described by Homer as dwelling in a realm of mist and gloom, fr. Gk Kimmerioi] : very dark and gloomy

cecropia moth=سيكروبيا فراشة

cecropia moth=سيكروبيا فراشة

An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland


[NL cecropia, fr. L Cecropius Athenian, fr. Gk Kekrops, legendary king of Athens] : a large North American saturniid moth (Hyalophora cecropia) that is brown with red, white, and black markings



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland



[L, fr. Gk Kalliope Calliope, the Greek Muse of epic poetry] : a keyboard musical instrument resembling an organ and consisting of a series of whistles sounded by steam or compressed air.



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland


[G Atropin, fr. NL Atropa, genus name of belladonna, fr. Gk Atropos, one of the three Fates] : a mixture obtained from any of various solanaceous plants (such as belladonna) and used esp. for its antocholinergic effects (as pupil dilation or inhibition of smooth muscle spasms)



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland


[L Apollo, fr. Gk Apollon Apollo, god of sunlight, prophecy, music, and poetry] : harmonious, measured, ordered, or balanced in character



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland


 [Gk aphrodisiakos sexual, fr. aphrodisia, pl. sexual pleasures, fr. neut. pl. of aphrodisios of Aphrodite, fr. Aphrodite Greek goddess of love] 1 : an agent that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desire 2 : something that excites

amazon= أمازون

amazon= أمازون

An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland

 [ME, fr. L, Fr. Gk Amazon] : a tall, strong, often masculine woman




An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland

 [L, fr. Gk Aiolos Aeolus, the ruler of the winds and eponymous founder of Aeolis] : giving forth or marked by a moaning or sighing sound or musical note produced by or as if by the wind



An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology - Oakland ...

 [fr. ML Adonic(us), fr. Gk Adonis, a favorite man of Aphrodite, slain by a wild boar but permitted by Zeus to pass four months of every year in the lower world with Persephone, four with Aphrodite, and four wherever he chose] 1 : noting a verse consisting of a dactyl followed by a spondee or a trochee 2 : of or like Adonis