Friday 28 September 2012

هيدروكلوريك hydrochloric

Etymology of Arabic words: the word هيدروكلوريك
means hydrochloric and as chlorine, has greek root, as the word consists from hydro=ύδωρ==water and chlorine which is uploaded earlier. In Turkish is hidroklorik.

الكلور chlor

Etymology of Arabic words: the word الكلور
means chlor/chlorine (nonmetallic element) and has greek root, via English, as the word chlorine was formed on the basis of the greek word χλωρός meaning pale green/fresh plant.In Turkish is klor.

توكسين Toxin

Etymology of Arabic words: the word توكسين
means Toxin (Toxins are poisonous products of organisms) and has greek root (via German) as the word was first used on the basis of the greek word τοξικόν (toxikon) which means something which entails/includes poison or something which is caused from poison.The greek word derives from the word τόξο (toxo) meaning bow and results from the fact that in the Antiquity they put poison on the tips of arrows of the bows. In Turkish is toksin.