Saturday 18 August 2012

أرجية allergy

Etymology of Arabic words: the word أرجية
(arejia) means allergy and seems to have greek roots. The greek word αλλεργία (alerghia) is a loan from French/English word which has been formed on the basis of two greek words: άλλος (alos) meaning “another” and έργον (erghon) meaning “work, task”. In Turkish it is alerji.

اكسيوم axiom

Etymology of Arabic words: the word اكسيوم
(akasioum) means axiom and it derives from the Greek language. The greek word is αξίωμα (axioma) and is in use since the antiquity. In Turkish aksiyom.

الأبنوس Ebony

Etymology of Arabic words: the word الأبنوس
(abnous) means Ebony seems to be of greek origin. The greek word is έβενος (evenos) and it is probably a loan word from the egyptian language in the antiquity. In Turkish they use the word abanoz.

الأثنوغرافيا ethnography

Etymology of arabic words: the word الأثنوغرافيا
(ethnografia) means ethnography and derives from the Greek language. The greek word is εθνογραφία( ethnografia) and is composed from the word έθνος (ethnos) which means nation and the suffix --γραφία ( grafia) which derives from the verb γραφω (grafo=to write). In Turkish they use the word  etnografya.

الانثروبولوجيا Anthropology

Etymology of arabic words: the word الانثروبولوجيا
(anetherbouloujia ?) means Anthropology and derives from the Greek language. The greek word is ανθρωπολογία (anthropologhia) and is composed by the word άνθρωπος (anthropos) which means “man, human being” and the suffix -λογία (loghia) which means “discourse of,study of” and derives from the verb λέγω (legho) which means “to say, to tell, to speak”. The word antropoloji is used in Turkish.
P.S. There is  also in Arabic the synonym                             علم الإنسان
=The science of the man

الترمومتر thermometer

Etymology of arabic words: the word الترمومتر
(termometr) means thermometer and derives from the Greek language. The greek word is θερμόμετρο (thermometro) and it is composed by the word θερμός (thermos) which means hot, warm and the word μέτρο (metro) which means meter, measurement. In Turkish they use the word termometre.

الأنوميا anomie

Etymology of arabic words: the word الأنوميا
(anomia) means anomie and derives directly from the Greek language. The greek word is ανομία (anomia) has the same meaning and pronouciation and its original meaning in the antiquity was the “lack of laws, the indifference for the laws”. In Turkish is anomi.

بلوتوقراطية plutocracy

Etymology of arabic words: the word بلوتوقراطية
(bloutokratia) means plutocracy and is a loan word from the Greek language. The greek word is πλουτοκρατία (plutokratia) and was formed by the word πλούτος (plutos) which means “wealth “ and the suffix -κρατια (kratia) which has the meaning of “power, dominion,rule”. In Turkish they use the word plütokrasi.