Wednesday 19 September 2012

ديناصور dinosaur

Etymology of Arabic words: the word ديناصور
means dinosaur and according to Wikipedia “”The term is derived from the Greek words δεινός (deinos, meaning "terrible," "potent," or "fearfully great") and σαῦρος (sauros, meaning "lizard" or "reptile””. In Turkish is dinozor.

هيروين heroin

Etymology of Arabic words: the word هيروين
means heroin (the drug,coined 1898 as trademark registered by F. Bayer for their morphine substitute) derives from the Greek language. The greek word is ηρωίνη (iroini) and derives from the word ήρως-ήρωας meaning hero with the feminine form to be ηρωίνη in the antiquity while in modern greek is ηρωίδα. In Turkish is eroin.