Thursday 30 August 2012

ابنيا apnea

Etymology of Arabic words: the word ابنيا
means apnea, a medical term for suspension of external breathing and derives from the greek word άπνοια (apnia) which is composed from the privative α- and the verb πνέω (pneo)/αναπνέω (anapneo) meaning to breathe. In Turkish apne.

الأرز Rice

Etymology of Arabic words: the word الأرز
(al-arij) means the Rice and it is probable that it has roots in the greek word όρυζα (oriza)/ρύζι (rizi) .From the greek word derive the latin ,french, english etc words for Rice. However in an earlier stage the word and the plant/product came from the East (Persia,Tamil language or another). In Turkish is pirinç, which according to the dictionary of Nişanyan is of the same east origin.