Saturday 25 August 2012

هيدرولوجيا hydrology

Etymology of Arabic words: the word هيدرولوجيا
(hydrolojian) means hydrology, has its roots in the Greek language, since the french word hydrologie was formed on the basis of two greek words, the word ύδωρ (idor) meaning water and the word λόγος (loghos) meaning “reason, cause, speech”. In greek is υδρολογία(hidrologhia). In Turkish is hidroloji. 


الأكانتس acanthus

Etymology of Arabic words: the word الأكانتس
(akanatas?) means acanthus and seems to derive from the greek word άκανθος (akanthos) meaning "thorny” and refers to Acanthus (plant).In Turkish is akantus.

أكاسيا acacia

Etymology of Arabic words: the word أكاسيا
(akasia) means acacia and is a loan word from Greek. The greek name is ακακία (akakia) and according to Wikipedia “” the name given by early Greek botanist-physician Pedanius Dioscorides (ca. 40-90)”” In Turkish is akasya.

الزوج Husband

Etymologyof Arabic words: the word  الزوج (zaouz)
means the Husband and the word   الزوجة(zaouza)
means the Wife and if I rely on the Arabic Etymological Dictionary the root of the above arab words is the greek word ζεύγος (zevgos) which means pair, pair of husband-wife.        In greek, the husband= ο σύζυγος(o sizigos)
the  wife = η συζυγος (i sizigos).
P.S.Please comments.

الزمرد Emerald

Etymology of Arabic words: the word الزمرد
(zoumouroud) means Emerald and is probable that it derives from the greek word σμαράγδι (smaragdi) or the older form σμάραγδος (smaragdos) which means the same and comes from the antiquity. In Turkish it is zümrüt and it is supported that it comes from Aramaic.

قارب Boat

Etymology of Arabic words: the word قارب
(karaba) means Boat and is probable that it derives from the greek word κάραβος (karavos) which originally had the meaning of crayfish and/or shrimp, but later its diminutive καράβιον (karavion) and further καράβι (karavi) has the meaning of big boat, ship.